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Lesson 291: This is a day of stillness and of peace

In today’s world we are constantly ‘multi-tasking’.  In fact, there is a perception that we have to be doing several things at once, if we are to be deemed ‘productive’.  But what we really crave is peace. Reading an Anthony Robbins’ books years ago I remember his comment that when he asked people what it is they really want; the majority responded with “peace of mind”.  As far back as I can remember, that is precisely what I yearned for. And I think that is collectively what we all yearn for, while seeking the busy-ness of work, travel, fun and entertainment to fulfil the need for that something that will make us happy.

What keeps me from having a day of stillness and of peace? I remember waking up yesterday morning, lying in bed feeling calm and still.  I had slept well, something that doesn’t happen all that often, and I felt relaxed and peaceful. Then, as I lay there, gradually the tension crept in. The Course work I have done in the past few years allows me to recognise fairly quickly when the ego steps in and tries to dismantle my peace.  The answer to my question, then, is: my thoughts. I was thinking about what I thought I had to do, then trying to work out what order to do it in. Then anxiety about whether I would get it done kicked in and fear about how I might procrastinate and not get anything done.

My teacher Janet and I have discussed this topic from various angles, many times, over the past three years.  Each time I have brought up the subjects of guilt, regret, embarrassment and how I feel I am wasting my time, Janet has pointed out to me repeatedly that I am perfect and nothing I say or do can sully my innate perfection and sinlessness, for this is how God created me.

Another example of how easily loss of peace can occur, also happened yesterday, later in the day.  I was sitting watching Celebrity MasterChef Australia while my husband had his afternoon nap. I felt really relaxed, enjoying the antics of the participants and the camaraderie that is the hallmark of MasterChef Australia, but taken to another level with this bunch of celebrities.  Then a niggly thought appeared: Should I not be exercising?  When did I last exercise? Shouldn’t I go on a walk? Do Yoga?  Bang!  Peace of mind dislodged, the ego has done its work.  Thankfully, I am improving all the time at catching these moments before they take a hold of me and ruin my peace.  I reminded myself that yes, it would be good to exercise, however at that moment I was having a lovely time and I didn’t need to do anything else.  I repeated the day’s lesson, My present happiness is all I see, and went back to watching the show and enjoyed every minute of it.

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