Take Me Home

Music and memories are tied so close together. Songs transport us to times in our lives and bring memories flooding back, some good, some bad, some sad. I remember sitting with Mummy in the evenings when the radio program came on.  It might have been a weekly program where they played old favourites.  The theme […]

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Deafness Is Not a Flaw

I read an article in The Guardian today that prompted this post. Sarah Marsh writes about her experiences as a deaf person, having worn hearing aids since she was a toddler due to genetically acquired hearing loss. She talks about how she had always thought of her deafness as a flaw until she met a

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Vesak – Festival of Light

I am ready and impatient. My older sisters are taking their time getting ready. It’s starting to get dark – the in-between time in the tropics where dusk is almost non-existent and the sunlight is banished by darkness in a matter of half an hour. I can’t wait to head out and mingle with the

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The Quest for Joy

What is joy? The Cambridge Dictionary describes it as ‘great happiness’ and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as ‘the emotion evoked by well-being, success, good fortune or the prospect of possessing what one desires”. Joy and happiness appear to be synonymous in this world where joy, for the most part, is a fleeting phenomenon experienced when we

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The Move Part II – The Hard Part

Once the contract was signed, and the cooling-off period ended, we launched into the next phase of our journey, the most difficult and potentially most stressful part of the process. Jerome is a planner who likes to organise in a way that is logical and meaningful to him. I consider myself to be very organised

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The Move Part I – The Decision

Why would I want to document our move?  Isn’t it something a large percentage of the population does with regularity?  What would be special or different about my preparation to move, not just move homes but move states?  I keep hearing a persistent little voice at the back of my head suggesting I do so. 

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A Funeral Fit for a Queen

The Queen died.  To most people who hear the words ‘The Queen’ the only queen that comes to mind is Queen Elizabeth II, the only queen most of us know and the queen who, according to a friend, managed to reinvent the monarchy, while making it look as if the reinvention was long lived tradition.

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Grief Club Project

Last year, my daughter Kelly’s friend Amy invited me to make a contribution to her project, Grief Club, which came about following the death of Amy’s mother two years ago. She wanted to share with others who experienced/are experiencing grief, and build a community of hope and spread the word that it is ok to

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